Hacking Facebook Using Man In The Middle Attack Level : Medium, Advanced In this tutorial Hacking Facebook Using Man in the Middle Attack I will demonstrate how to hacking Facebook using MITM ( Man in the Middle ). This attack usually happen inside a Local Area Network(LAN) in office, internet cafe, apartment, etc. Below is the topology or infrastructure how MITM work, and how it can be happen to do hacking a Facebook account. In the picture above, the attacker act as the third person attacker will manipulate the switch routing table so the victim will think that attacker is a Web server and vice versa, because the attacker has changed the routing table. For this tutorial we need to prepare the tools to do Proof of Concept about this tutorial . Below you can download it. 1. XAMPP – APACHE+PHP+MySQL (We use XAMPP for our fake facebook web server) 2. Cain & Abel (We use it for Man i...